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Guidelines for working on thorin

Clone repository, install dependencies, and run the dev script to start the docs.

Components are organized in folders according to the Atomic Design Methodology.

Atoms serve as the foundational building blocks that comprise all our user interfaces. These atoms include basic HTML elements like form labels, inputs, buttons, and others that can’t be broken down any further without ceasing to be functional.

Molecules are relatively simple groups of UI elements functioning together as a unit. For example, a form label, search input, and button can join together to create a search form molecule.

Organisms are relatively complex UI components composed of groups of molecules and/or atoms and/or other organisms. These organisms form distinct sections of an interface.

Adding a component requires adding and modifying several files. The different steps to adding a component are:

1. Create a component file

The react component should be named using pascal case convention (e.g. PascalCase). The react component file should use the component name with a .tsx file extension. It should be added to a folder named as the component name and nested in the Component Group folder at components/src/components.

2. Create a component test file

The react component test file should have the same name as the component a .test.tsx file extension. It should be located in the same directory as the component file.

3. Create a component index file

The react component and type should be exported in an index file in the same directory as the component file. If a generic Props type was used, export it using an alias.

4. Add the component to the exports in the Component Group index file

The react component should be added to the list of exports in the index file located in the Component Group folder in components/src/components. Only the react component needs to be exported.

5. Create a mdx file

The component mdx file should have the same name as the react component with a .docs.mdx file extension. It should be added to the Component Group folder in docs/src/reference/mdx.

6. Create a snippets file

The component snippets file should have the same name as the react component with a .snippets.tsx file extension. It should be added to the Component Group folder in docs/src/reference/snippets.

7. Add the component to the module export test

Add the component to the module export test located at components/src/index.test.tsx.


Use functional components with hooks and avoid using inline styles.

Add displayName to component. This is neccessary for playroom to generate snippets from code.


Playroom uses react-element-to-jsx-string to convert a react component into a string which can be used by playroom. In certain situations it is not able to accurately convert the element, such as if the components' children includes a function.

If you are having problems with your snippet in playroom, convert your snippet code to a single line string. Do not use backslash to break the string into multiple lines.


When you need to import a component within the docs/ folder, link to components from @ensdomains/thorin.

For updates to components to appear in files in the docs/ folder, you will first need to build the components using:

To build the comopnents in the components library use:

To build the entire project use:

Create a new release on GitHub with a tag that follows semantic versioning. Publishing a release triggers a workflow for building, testing, and pushing to npm.

My component did not update in my mdx file?

Update the component using pnpm build:component and reload the page after the script has completed.

My snippet looks malformed

Check if displayName has been added to component. If not, then you may need to conver the snippet to a string. See the snippets section for more details.

Playroom is giving an error that a component or module is not available

Check if the module or component has been exported in docs/src/playroom/components.ts.

Code preview in mdx file is giving an error that a component or module is not available

Check that the component or module is included in the scope property of the LiveProvider component in docs/src/components/CodePreview/CodePreview.tsx.

The value in the Type column in the documentation props table is oddly formatted.

You can customize the format of the type value by adding conditions to the function formatPropType in docs/src/components/PropsTable.tsx.