Dialog box for displaying information to the user
name | type | default |
variant | "closable" | "actionable" | "blank" | closable |
onDismiss | () => void | - |
onClose | () => void | - |
alert | "error" | "warning" | "info" | - |
center | boolean | - |
currentStep | number | - |
fontVariant | "headingOne" | "headingTwo" | "headingThree" | "headingFour" | "extraLarge" | "large" | "body" | "small" | "extraSmall" | headingFour |
leading | ReactNode | - |
open * Required | boolean | - |
stepCount | number | - |
stepStatus | "notStarted" | "inProgress" | "completed" | - |
subtitle | ReactNode | - |
title | ReactNode | - |
trailing | ReactNode | - |
The Dialog.Content component is a ScrollBox component that is used to contain the content of the Dialog. It is also responsible for setting the responsive sizing of the dialog. It can be used to display a form element by setting the as prop to "form". The fullWidth prop can be used to make the content area the width of the dialog.
This component inherits the props of ScrollBox. The additional unique props are listed below.
name | type | default | description |
as | form | undefined | undefined | Option to render the component as a form element |
fullWidth | boolean | undefined | undefined | If true, the width of the content container will be the width of the dialog |
If true, the width of the scrollbox will be the width of the dialog. By default the content area will have a horizontal padding of 8px to cover the overflow from inputs. To achieve true edge to edge content, set horizontalPadding to "0".