Attaches a button menu to an element
name | type | default | description |
align | "left" | "right" | left | The alignment of the dropdown relative to the button |
buttonProps | { as?: "a" | undefined; children: ReactNode; disabled?: boolean | undefined; prefix?: AsProp | undefined; loading?: boolean | undefined; shape?: "circle" | "square" | "rectangle" | "rounded" | undefined; ... 10 more ...; colorStyle?: ColorStyleBase | undefined; } & Omit<...> & WithoutAnchor | { as?: "a" | undefined; children: ReactNode; disabled?: boolean | undefined; prefix?: AsProp | undefined; loading?: boolean | undefined; shape?: "circle" | "square" | "rectangle" | "rounded" | undefined; ... 10 more ...; colorStyle?: ColorStyleBase | undefined; } & Omit<...> & WithAnchor | - | The props passed to the button for the dropdown |
cancelLabel | string | Cancel | The label for the cancel button when showing an action sheet |
chevron | boolean | true | A chevron in the button |
children | ReactNode | - | An optional custom dropdown button |
direction | "down" | "up" | down | The direction that the dropdown menu will open from |
height | string | number | - | The height of the dropdown menu. If specified, dropdown will be scrollable |
indicatorColor | "inherit" | "initial" | "unset" | "none" | "background" | "border" | "black" | "blue" | "green" | "grey" | "indigo" | "orange" | "pink" | "purple" | "red" | "transparent" | "white" | "yellow" | "text" | "currentColor" | "accent" | "blueLight" | "blueActive" | "blueDim" | "bluePrimary" | "blueBright" | "blueSurface" | "greenLight" | "greenActive" | "greenDim" | "greenPrimary" | "greenBright" | "greenSurface" | "greyLight" | "greyActive" | "greyDim" | "greyPrimary" | "greyBright" | "greySurface" | "indigoLight" | "indigoActive" | "indigoDim" | "indigoPrimary" | "indigoBright" | "indigoSurface" | "orangeLight" | "orangeActive" | "orangeDim" | "orangePrimary" | "orangeBright" | "orangeSurface" | "pinkLight" | "pinkActive" | "pinkDim" | "pinkPrimary" | "pinkBright" | "pinkSurface" | "purpleLight" | "purpleActive" | "purpleDim" | "purplePrimary" | "purpleBright" | "purpleSurface" | "redLight" | "redActive" | "redDim" | "redPrimary" | "redBright" | "redSurface" | "yellowLight" | "yellowActive" | "yellowDim" | "yellowPrimary" | "yellowBright" | "yellowSurface" | "accentLight" | "accentActive" | "accentDim" | "accentPrimary" | "accentBright" | "accentSurface" | "textPrimary" | "textSecondary" | "textAccent" | "textDisabled" | "backgroundPrimary" | "backgroundSecondary" | "blueGradient" | "greenGradient" | "redGradient" | "purpleGradient" | "greyGradient" | - | The colour of the indicator |
isOpen | boolean | - | If defined, dropdown is controlled externally |
items | DropdownItem[] | [] | An array of objects conforming to the DropdownItem interface. |
keepMenuOnTop | boolean | false | If true, the dropdown will stay above the button when open |
label | ReactNode | - | The label of the dropdown button |
menuLabelAlign | "center" | "flex-end" | "flex-start" | - | The alignment of the menu button labels |
mobileWidth | string | number | 150 | The width of the dropdown menu on mobile, in px |
responsive | boolean | true | If true, displays an action sheet when in mobile |
setIsOpen | Dispatch<SetStateAction<boolean>> | - | - |
shortThrow | boolean | false | If true, decreases the distance of the dropdown animation. |
width | string | number | 150 | The width of the dropdown menu, in px |
name | type | default | description |
color | "blue" | "green" | "indigo" | "orange" | "pink" | "purple" | "red" | "teal" | "yellow" | "grey" | "accent" | "accentSecondary" | "accentSecondaryHover" | "accentTertiary" | "accentText" | "accentGradient" | "background" | "backgroundHide" | "backgroundSecondary" | "backgroundTertiary" | "border" | "borderSecondary" | "borderTertiary" | "foreground" | "foregroundSecondary" | "foregroundSecondaryHover" | "foregroundTertiary" | "groupBackground" | "groupBorder" | "gradients" | "text" | "textPlaceholder" | "textSecondary" | "textTertiary" | - | The color of the label. |
disabled | boolean | - | The disabled attribute of button element. |
href | string | - | A link that opens on click. |
icon | ReactNode | - | An icon that leads the label. |
label | string | - | The text label. |
onClick | () => void | - | An event handler for click events. |
showIndicator | boolean | Colors | - | A dot indicator. |