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Element with scrollable content
import { ScrollBox } from '@ensdomains/thorin'
<ScrollBox style={{ height: '100px' }}>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque cursus
posuere lacinia. Proin mollis nisl a lacus mollis, a volutpat tortor
consectetur. Vivamus mattis augue eu nulla molestie, a euismod nunc
placerat. Fusce vitae elit sed dolor auctor faucibus luctus condimentum
risus. Aenean pharetra mauris sodales ligula sodales, a tristique magna
rhoncus. Fusce sit amet arcu suscipit, molestie dolor nec, blandit ipsum.
Sed sodales blandit elit eget ultrices. Aliquam non blandit lacus. Etiam
eget tellus vitae risus vestibulum pulvinar at a nibh. Orci varius natoque
penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aliquam
volutpat elit odio. Fusce placerat nibh nec ante aliquam, id dictum turpis
tempor. Sed maximus quam ut ipsum blandit, vel lobortis neque venenatis.
Maecenas dignissim massa nec risus vestibulum bibendum. Duis malesuada, est
dapibus porttitor aliquet, massa arcu fermentum nunc, nec feugiat erat magna
viverra orci. Suspendisse eu ultrices mauris. Aliquam scelerisque mollis
orci id volutpat. Nunc ac vestibulum odio, vitae feugiat ligula. Nunc
lacinia nisi in gravida volutpat. Vivamus dui ex, ornare ut ante vel,
dapibus tempor est. Proin congue sapien non dolor hendrerit, in dignissim
risus scelerisque. Pellentesque quis egestas ex. Suspendisse quis diam nec
dui sagittis sollicitudin. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vestibulum
vestibulum dignissim tincidunt. Donec congue nibh lectus, nec facilisis
tortor tempus sit amet. Phasellus varius mattis metus porta posuere. Integer
posuere dapibus libero. Maecenas euismod sem sed blandit consectetur.


false | true | { top?: boolean | undefined; bottom?: boolean | undefined; }
If true, the dividers will always be shown
The number of pixels above the bottom of the content where events such as showing/hiding dividers and onReachedTop will be executed
false | true | { top?: boolean | undefined; bottom?: boolean | undefined; }
If true, the dividers will be hidden
"auto" | "0" | "px" | "0.25" | "0.5" | "0.75" | "1" | "1.25" | "1.5" | "1.75" | "2" | "2.5" | "3" | "3.5" | "4" | "4.5" | "5" | "5.5" | "6" | "7" | "7.5" | "8" | "8.5" | "9" | "10" | "11" | "12" | "13" | "14" | "15" | "16" | "18" | "20" | "22.5" | "24" | "26" | "28" | "30" | "32" | "36" | "40" | "44" | "45" | "48" | "52" | "56" | "60" | "64" | "72" | "80" | "96" | "112" | "128" | "144" | "168" | "192" | "224" | "256" | "288" | "320" | "1/4" | "1/3" | "1/2" | "2/3" | "3/4" | "full" | "fit" | "max" | "min" | "viewHeight" | "viewWidth" | "none"
The amount of horizontal padding to apply to the scrollbox. This will decrease the content area as well as the width of the overflow indicator dividers
The number of pixels below the top of the content where events such as showing/hiding dividers and onReachedTop will be executed
() => void
A callback function that is fired when the content reaches topTriggerPx
() => void
A callback function that is fired when the content reaches bottomTriggerPx
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